
Eco-Products 2009 in Tokyo

Eco-products 2009

held in Tokyo Bigsite from Dec 10 through Dec 12 was really interesting to see around from educational point of view for eco-products made in Japan.

Japanese Prime Minister and Democratic Party leader Yukio Hatoyama announced 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 from 1919 levels, and urged tacitly other major countries in the world to follow in order to fight against global warming effects.

In order to achieve the goal, 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 from 1919 levels, it would require strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and consequently require tremendous amount of sacrifices for industry secotrs, and causing an adverse effect on the economy.

On the other hand, there are arguments that this will cause positive effects on entire economy saying that many corporations compete to invent eco-products that has technological superiority for every aspects of industries, and Japan is considered to be one of the best as far as invention of energy saving technologies. Many Japanese corporations spend their R&D cost for inventing new type of eco-products.

In mid May the Japanese Government has also launched a stimulus package to boost the demand for energy efficient household appliances with a new eco-points system which also help economy grow positively.


TDK~DC powered eco homes

TDK's trial to pursue energy conservation and cut CO2 emission by converting indoor wiring to wiring for DC current in the eco home. One technology that TDK pursues is solar cells where colorful solar cell can produce electricity without generating any CO2. TDK also trying to introduce wind turbine type wind power generator for residential use as well as a large lithium battery that not only produces electricity, but also stores it.

TDK's recent prominent achivement for eco related product is DC-DC conterter which is usded for Honda Insight and is capable of cutting its own weight by 45%. TDK improved the transformer and inductor by utilizing its ferrite technologies. Also, it enhanced the efficiencies of the FET and the power supply circuit and reduced the weight and volume of the converter by 45% and 5%, respectively, compared with the previous product, which was employed by the Civic Hybrid. The weight is less than 1kg, and the conversion efficiency is higher than 90%, according to the company.



Mitsuoka MicroCar Factory

Have you ever heard of Japanese car company called Mitsuoka Motors? It is not Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, or Subaru, but the car campany's name is Mitsuoka Mortors and it produces nostalgic Japanese cars which resemble old fashioned European car. It was bestablished in 1968 which is 10th oldest car manufactur in Japan, and its headquater is based in Toyama prefecture. Famous models are such as Zeroone, Orochi, Himiko, and Garyu.

Famous Mitsuoka Models



Tokyo, the City of New Discovery

Tokyo is the city where the East meets the West, and the past meets the future,and analog meets digital and....

When you walk around Tokyo area,specially if you are a foreign national who have just arrvied in Japan, you will probably find so many interesting things that impress you, such as vending machines on the street or railway fare gates where you can use your mobile phone with ic card capability for payments ,or shinto shrines surrounded by skyslapers and Tokyo Tower and such.

Tokyo is the number one city by GDP in the world in 2005 reports done by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

With the populations of nearly 13 million and highly sophisticated mind of business people, there are tons of business opportunities for foreigners as well as foreign corporations.

So, I would say,why do not you come and see this attractive city, and you will meet some spirit here in Tokyo, Japan!!


Sakura,Sakrua (Cherry Blossom season has come all around Japan.)

It is the beginning of April and cherry blossom starts flowering to celebrate the start of spring in Japan.

Interestingly enough, according to press, what is called "blossomming line" -latitude where trees start to flow on a given day- on April1, which 40 years ago was in the south of Honshu, is now about 200 kilometres(125 miles)further north.

It is obious or easy to guess that climate change and urbanisation to metropolitan area in Japan are causing this phenomena.

Should politician do anything about it?


Dancing Robot from Sony

Many Japanese manufactures use huge amounts of their R&D spendings for human robotics specially for marketing purposes to show how technically superior they are. A company such as Sony is no exceptions,and indeed it does create very sophisticated one called Qrio which is capable of dacing with strange flowing movements for foriengers resembling Japanese traditional dancing.

Even though the smoothness of movements by these robots are hard to believe that they are programmed by human, they are really fun to watch.

It is also really interesting to see how Sony are trying to apply this into their real businesses.


The pure water technology

It has been for a while since I last upated this site due to the other staffs that prevented me from doing it. Anyway, Today's topic is about a technology that would transform sea water into purewater.

Water is the most abunant molecule on Earth's surface, composing of about seventy persent of the Earth's surface. However.the dried up water is the big issue all aroun the world, specially the country such as Australia who is experiencing its worst drought in 100 years.The recent wildfires that caused tremendous amout of tragedies must have some linkages to the drought that Australia has been suffered from.

Nikko Denko Corporation which is introduced above video and a leading diversifeid material company is pumping $6 million over the next 5 years in water reseach and development center in Singapore with increasing needs for the technology that transform sea water into pure water due to the water shortage problems that every nation is facing worldwidely.